I am sure the saying "It's 2020 " has gotten fairly annoying. But its true. I mean this year for my family is like the never-ending saga of bullshit. Even before we got hit with the pandemic the first 2 months of 2020 was completely a disaster. Then the pandemic hit and well you know how that's going. Now even though I am excited to end 2020 I am a little nervous of what 2021 is going to bring.
This year has been the year of change, adaptability and really just learning to go with the flow I guess. We can't control any of what's going on but we can control ourselves. So I challenged myself to list 5 amazing things that happen this year. Not going to lie this took me a bit and was hard. With all the horrible things that are going on in 2020 what is the best parts? Well this is my list!
My boys became closer and I think this will continued to be a bond they have.
We have our first women vice president which no matter what political stance you take it amazing.
I learned a lot about myself and made changes I never would of made if it wasn't for the pandemic.
Animal adoptions have skyrocketed --- Like this is amazing!
Lastly it has been the year of family, Appreciating family and really valuing what you have.

Do I think 2021 will be better? Yes only because I think this year has forced people to change and become more aware of each other. Do I think life will return to normal? No, because what was before this wasn't normal. We will all on the fast track and didn't slow down to see each other.